- Carina
- Musca
- Circinus
- Triangulum Australe
- Dorado
- Ara
- Horologium
- Reticulum
- Pictor
- Centaurus*
- Crux*
- Norma*
- Phoenix*
See Extended BSC to download.
The future of Astronomy. Why do stars have the names that they do? How come there's so much confusion? I'll be talking about why, and putting forward my ideas for, finally, bringing stellar nomenclature into the 20th century. And there's catalogues to download too!
N.B. ebsc2.xls updated on 12-Jan. Original version was missing some rows.
ReplyDeleteN.B. Carina was included in part 1, so part 2 will include the other 12 stars listed, plus a couple more: potentially Eridanus, Telescopium & Grus.